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Writer's pictureClaire Hutchings

'Practice what you Preach' Report - TL/DR

Don’t have time to read our full agency marketing research report, but still want to know how you can elevate your agency’s marketing? Read on…

Here are the biggest marketing mistakes agencies are making right now:

According to our research into over 100 agencies’ marketing, these are the biggest pitfalls you can avoid with your own marketing.

  1. No clear agency positioning

  2. Not defining a clear target audience and creating marketing content that answers their challenges

  3. Lack clear call-to-actions on their website

  4. No consistency with content creation and posting

  5. Little evidence of paid, owned and earned

  6. Not utilising their founder or leadership team as much as possible

So, how can you elevate your agency’s marketing and avoid these marketing mistakes?

Here are our top tips that you can action right now:

  1. Develop a strong positioning. This will make your marketing easier (and up to 38% better quality). Read more on how to develop an authentic agency positioning here.

  2. Understand your ICP

    1. Consider your audience and the challenges they face within your content. Make sure it's clear on your website that you understand their challenges and have the solutions.

    2. Tailor your content across your channels for different audience groups (think clients, prospects, talent, influencers, competitors).

  3. Create content that converts

    1. Avoid style over substance. Add clear call-to-actions to your website and make sure your content actually converts.

    2. Make sure your content ladders back to your positioning and ensure it is designed and optimised to help you reach your agencies goals (awareness, downloads, lead generation, web traffic etc)

  4. Optimise for SEO Humans may understand what your agency is all about – but do the search engines? Make sure you don’t fall into a trap of using language only you understand and confusing Google.

  5. Design Agencies Audit your digital channels and website regularly to avoid usability errors. View your work through the eyes of your clients and prospects.

  6. PR Agencies Practise what you preach and gain your own media coverage – then shout about it on your website and social channels. Now isn’t the time to be modest!

  7. Events agencies Make use of the incredible content you produce through your client work and apply rigour and consistency to the production of your content and digital presence.

  8. Consultancies Evidence your expertise with regular insights and industry news to position you as thought leaders

  9. Digital Agencies Don’t over engineer your site, make sure it reflects your agency's specialist skills sets. Build a site which converts while maintaining your stylistic flair.

  10. Marketing Agencies Put the time in to build a cohesive multi-channel strategy and leverage your leaders in your content and on social media. PPC & SEO Agencies Use a broader content mix but speak directly to your target audience. Be really clear who they are and how you help them.

If this has wet your whistle and you’ve decided you would like to read the full research report, grab a cuppa and download it now, here.


Download our Practice What You Preach report

Agency marketing is hard. Our research with over 100 UK agencies proves it. Download the report to learn how to become your own best case study.

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